Wright for Life

your adviser for life
T. 021_ 708_ 153    E. click here to email the adviser

Life Insurance - your legacy

You can think of life insurance as your personal legacy – what you leave behind for the people you love.

Nobody wants their legacy to be debts and worry. I work with you to create a legacy of well-being, education and financial security for your family.

I know that everyone has different lifestyles and financial commitments so everyone’s insurance needs will be unique to them. There are a lot of insurance companies out there, offering many different types of cover. I will find you the perfect fit – the policy that is right for you.

Life insurance can be stepped, level, unbundled, include mortgage protection, whole of life, endowment, accidental cover, business continuation, key person, buy-sell, guaranteed renewable, cash back life cover… whoa! That’s a big list of fancy words! I can cut through the jargon for you and present you with all the options that best suit you to ensure you have the insurance you need – and none that you don’t. When you are armed with all the right information, you can make a sound decision.

The financial protection plan I prepare for you is easy to understand and will fit your needs. As your needs change (and they will!) I can help you keep your policies current and guide you through the changes you should make.

Now’s the time to protect your future and plan what legacy you will leave for your loved ones.

A free copy of our disclosure statement on request
I’ll find the policy that best fits you.