Wright for Life

your adviser for life
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Income Protection

If you couldn’t work because of illness or accident, what would happen to your income? How long could you survive financially?

If your income should stop, it usually stops without warning. If you’re not prepared for the worst case, then what would happen?

Now’s the time to protect your greatest asset – your ability to earn an income!

I can prepare a financial protection plan that can provide you with an income if the ‘what if’ happens.

There are a lot of options out there. Let me fit the right policy for you.

I can also find the perfect policy for you if you are self-employed. My extensive knowledge also means I can review the ACC premiums you’re paying to make sure you’re not paying too much – this could save you thousands over your working life!

A free copy of our disclosure statement on request
I’ll find the policy that best fits you.